Best Flooring Option for Your Home If You Have a Pet Dog
Most of us have either a pet dog or cat at home. So, the flooring material should be chosen very carefully. Certain floors can get damaged because of pets like they may urine, shed or use their nails etc.
Therefore, while looking for your various flooring supplies make sure that your flooring must not have the following.
Carpets – Carpets may be very soft and warm, but it does not go well with pets. You will find dander, dirt and fur of your pet will get trapped in your carpet. Soon your carpet will develop pest.
Hardwoods – Hardwood are generally expensive flooring material. Certainly, you will not like to see scratch marks on them as your pet may often engage in such activities on the floor.
So, you must prefer to have following type of flooring that are suitable and pet friendly for your home.
1. Vinyl flooring
Vinyl is highly resistant to water penetration and stains; you can wipe the debris quite easily. Also, by any cleaning agent it can be sanitized. So, you can easily kill any germs/microorganisms that is something common when you have pets.
If vinyl flooring is laid on concrete then it becomes a second skin, and animal claws will not be able to puncture or tear.
2. Glazed ceramic tile
You may also prefer glazed ceramic tile when you will need durable, easy-to -clean and stain-resistant flooring. This material will not easily break, chip or crack even when handling large pets. Also, the glazing will make the surface absolutely impermeable to penetration due to water and other staining material.
3. Linoleum
Linoleum is also pet friendly, durable and quite stain-resistant resilient material. It can repel most of the harmful substances, easy to clean, can handle all the rigors while dealing with dogs, cats and any other pets.
4. Concrete flooring
Generally concrete flooring is an inexpensive choice however, it must be treated for making it suitable for frequent movement of animals. This will need regular application of appropriate concrete sealer for covering porous surface.
This will protect material from stains and liquid penetration. Also, it will create clear solid surface that is possible to clean as necessary.
5. Rubber flooring
You can use rubber flooring where there are environmental challenges and also comfortable, safe and relaxed environment is needed, like gyms or playrooms and also spaces used by pets.
You will find rubber flooring resistant to all liquid and staining penetration hazards. They are also extremely durable against gouges and rips tears.
6. Artificial grass
Although artificial turf may not be preferred flooring material for all throughout your home or your office space, but it is ideal for spaces for pets like individual kennels or any room where pets may spend most of their time.
As compared to aster-turf, modern artificial grass can considerably be more comfortable and attractive and dogs enjoy lying or playing on it.
You may visit the website to select your flooring material where you can get all the above kinds of flooring.