8 Tips to Find Your Way around the Khelplay Rummy App
Card games are the best pastimes. Nowadays, you can play the game without a physical deck of cards as well. All you have to do is download the app for playing card games and you can start playing at any hour of the day. Khelplay Rummy app is one of the most reliable applications for card game players, and below-mentioned are the ways to find your way around it.
- Download the App
It is easy to get the Khelplay Rummy App for your device. Just visit the Google Playstore app and type in ‘Khelplay Rummy’ and you will get to see the application. Now proceed to download it on your smartphone. The app is available across all operating systems and devices. It is also a free-of-cost app, where you do not have to pay anything for a download. You can download the Indian rummy app on laptop, PC, phone, and relevant devices.
- Register in a Minute
After Indian rummy download, register with your details and email id. A confirmation email will be sent to your email id. It takes less than a minute to complete the registration. All your details are protected and never shared with any third party. You will have complete control over your profile details and any financial transaction you do.
- Explore the App
The app has galore of options for you. You can access free rummy game and refill practice chips when those get over to play more games. You can even go through gaming tutorials to know more about rummy rules and tricks. Then you can check out the controls of the application so that playing games become easier and you do not lose precious seconds.
- Invite Others and Earn Bonus
To earn money prize, you can play rummy online for real money, but there is another way to earn easy bonus. Just invite others on the gaming app by sharing a referral code or link. When the invited people join using this code or link, you and the registrant both will earn bonus points that be used to play games
Referral program is an exciting feature that Khelplay Rummy has for all its members. The registrants can use it to invite friends, family members, and acquaintances on the platform and even build a social circle to play amongst each other.
- Know the Rummy Rules
If you are unaware of all the tricks of the play, then Khelplay rummy app will help you know the jargons and other details. You can learn how to play rummy by accessing practice games, where there is no money or points at stake as such. You can even go through the website and its blog section to understand more about the game and its variations.
- Start with Free Games
It is said that practice makes a man perfect. Thus, to become a pro at online rummy, you must start with free games. Here, you may not always have a time limit and play till someone declares the game. Whoever declares the first is the winner. You can learn all the tricks and techniques of the game in practice and free games. You can always add more practice chips to your account once they get exhausted and continue playing more such games.
- Play Cash Games
After honing your gaming skills, you can play rummy online for cash at ease. The experience gained by playing free games will definitely help you in doing the best in money prize games. The interface of the app is user-friendly, thus, it is simple to access the controls and play on the app as well as the website.
- Try Out Tournaments
There is something for everyone. New registrants can play freeroll tournaments without making a deposit, for a certain number of days. You can later then play rummy online free and practice games as well. You can deposit an amount in your Khelplay Rummy account and play games for a cash prize as well. There are different types of tourneys during festivals, weekends, and weekdays.
Final Words
Khelplay Rummy is one of the best apps to play rummy on the internet. It costs nothing to download the app. You can play at any time of the day and even on the go. The application for rummy card game free is a complete resource about the game, and allows you to play freeroll tourneys and tournaments with buy-in. The app is member-friendly and quite popular among gaming-enthusiasts.