7 Mistakes That A Volunteer Makes While Volunteering Abroad
Volunteering is an act of kindness that does not expect something in return. Whether you plan to become a volunteer locally or abroad, you should come prepared.
Remember that volunteering comes in many forms. If you are not ready for anything, particularly the unexpected, it will be harder to help others.
To guarantee that you will do well with your volunteer work in Singapore and other countries, take note of the following mistakes and avoid them at all costs.
1. Believing You Cannot Make A Difference
When you volunteer abroad, your sense of volunteerism will be behind. The community will never forget what you have done, no matter how trivial you think your volunteer work is.
2. Overpacking
Volunteering abroad is about helping others, not a vacation. In that case, consider packing light so it will not be challenging to carry your suitcase. Below are some essential items you should bring:
- Hand towels
- A jacket
- A couple of jeans
- Three to four shirt
- Smartphone
- Power bank and charger
3. Missed To Bring Extra Cash
Another mistake you should avoid when you become a volunteer abroad is not bringing extra cash. Travelling would be difficult without enough money, especially if you got separated from your group.
4. Forget To Learn The Local Language
Even though English is the most spoken language in the world, some countries are not proficient in English speaking. You can expect that some new people you will meet during your volunteer work can only speak the local language.
5. Disregard People’s Culture
Besides forgetting to learn the local language, you should not be culturally insensitive. Many scholars believe that there are thousands of cultures around the world, and if you cannot respect that, it would be challenging to help them.
6. Immersively Involved
While having a heart is important when you join one of the volunteer organisations in Singapore, you should not be immersively involved. Otherwise, you might hurt yourself and lose track of your goal.
7. Ignore The Coordinator’s Advice
Volunteering abroad means working with other volunteer organisations to meet one goal. Your coordination and collaboration with one another is the key to successful volunteering.
If you commit any of the mistakes mentioned above, try not to do them again next time by learning from these volunteer work mistakes.
Singapore International Foundation is one of the volunteer organisations in Singapore that have been helping anyone in the world since 1991. Visit their website today if you are interested in becoming their volunteer.