
5 best AB testing tips that work best for Amazon listings

The one important rule followed by all amazon sellers is to run the AB testing on a daily basis. Split testing helps Amazon sellers to know which components of listing are most effective in attracting customers to buy products. 

It is also important for sellers to follow the top Ab testing tips to improve conversion rates and increase sales. In this article, we are going to tell you the best Amazon Ab testing tips that work well on your listings. 

  1. AB test runs everything and anything. 

With AB testing, it is everything about allowing the number to speak for themselves. Sellers should cast their tests and assumptions for everything. 

  1. Use a large sufficient sample size. 

There is not one rule that applies to Amazon; sellers have to set the minimum staple size of 5000 impressions on every variant to ensure the validity of the results. 

While it may be tempting to stop AB testing early when they look at one variant more winning clearly, sellers need to wait until they reach to predetermined sample size before showing the results. 

It is always possible that a variant that has performed poorly earlier on emerges ultimately the winner by

  1. Test the best sellers.

It is suggested that sellers must focus on testing the best-selling listings instead of burning precious time on low-traffic listings. Best sellers get more traffic and views in this way, which translates into more data for AB or split tests. 

  1. Focus on one change only at a time. 

It is suggested to only test one variable at a time. Only make one change at a time, so the variable is not confused or not affects the testing results. 

For instance, if variant B of product listings has a different title, image, and price from variant A, and it gets a high conversion rate, then you will not be able to pinpoint what leads to an increase. 

  1. Reduce the effects of external factors. 

Sellers should ensure that there are not any external factors that affect the AB tests. For instance, the sellers have to reduce the effects of external factors, like black Sunday. If seller Ab tests product listings in November month, then it leads to black Sunday. 

How does the AB testing on Amazon helps

There are many ways in which the Amazon Ab testing works better. Here are the ways in which Amazon AB testing helps sellers to 

  • Optimize the buying cycle of customers 
  • Increase the visibility of the product
  • Improve the experience of shoppers and gain positive reviews from them
  • Generate the loyalty of customers 
  • Drive more conversion and generate the high revenues 
  • Increase the average order values 


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