
4 Common Types of Bail Bonds You Should Know

Bail bonds are legal documents with some specific terms and conditions. It grants you bail from the jail until the next court hearing. You do not have to stay in jail if you have a bail bond. Bail bonds can facilitate you in the best possible ways. 

Bail bonds are a cost-effective solution that provides you with a quick and seamless release from jail. Hence, if you are accused of any serious crime and facing incarceration, then bail bonds are the best solution for you. 

Several different types of bail bonds are there with specific rules and regulations. Which bail bond is the best for you depends on the severity and type of the crime you are accused of. Here are some common types of bail bonds that you should know. 

Cash Bail Bond 

A cash bail bond, also known as a personal bail bond, requires you to offer cash to secure bail. This money guarantees your attendance at each court hearing. It is returned to you at the end of the case if you have not violated any required conditions. 

Cash bail bonds are the fastest and most efficient. They provide you with a quiche k=release from jail in no time. If you need help paying the full amount, then you can also contract with bail bond companies. They allow you to pay a fraction of the bail amount and save you money.

In the case of cash bail bonds, the judges usually consider some factors before granting bail, such as whether the defendant is not harmful to society, the severity of the accused’s charges, and the criminal history. After confirming these, cash bail is granted to you without any hassle. 

Property Bail Bond

Property bail bonds allow you to use any of your property that is equal to the bail amount to access the bail. Not all types of properties are accepted for bail bonds. Mainly, home or land is used. This property guarantees your presence in the court when needed. If you fulfill all the required conditions and appear on each court date, your property will be refunded. 

Surety Bail Bond

In the case of a surety bail bond, you do not have to pay the whole bail amount in cash. You can hire any professional bail bondsman who will ensure your attendance at court hearings. You have to pay just a fraction of your whole bail amount to the bail bondsman, and this amount is not refundable.

If you are accused of any serious crime, then you also have to pay for collateral such as your car, home, or anything else to ensure the bail. His collateral is given back to you at the end of the case if you have fulfilled all of the required terms and conditions. 

Citation Release 

Citation release is an ideal bail bond for minor violations. No formal arrest is made; only a citation is issued, which requires you to appear at every court hearing. Failure to present yourself in front of a judge on the exact date can lead to costly fines and punishments. 

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