Read to Know What a Floating Timber Floor is

Have you ever heard about floating floors? Even if you have heard, you may not be fully aware of what it is. A floating timber floor generally floats over the current floor so that engineered wood flooring can be properly installed.
689 Pty Ltd is a flooring contractor available in Gold Coast and Brisbane and can offer their services for any kind of flooring installation or repair work for your flooring.
Floating wood flooring installation is quite simple. Hence, it can be a great selection for homeowners searching for a low-cost option that also appears like any real wood. If you are looking for a low-cost hardwood floor then such floating wood floors can offer you a decent alternative.
What are floating floors?
Floating floors are those that have a floor covering that “floats” both above as well as below the subfloor. Floating timber flooring attempt to replicate the appearance of solid wood floors. Above composite core layers, an engineered wood veneer provides the enticing appearance of a real wood veneer. Engineered hardwood floors use a click-and-lock installation technology to float just over your subfloor.
A floating floor is sometimes known as a click-and-lock floor because the installation technique starts with “clicking” the planks together and really exerting firm, even pressure with a “mallet” for locking them into place.
The most common way of installing any engineered hardwood floors is to use locking devices that are either pushed into the grain of the wood or fitted into grooves in numerous pieces to connect the planks. Laminate floating flooring, hardwood floors, engineered flooring, and also hybrid flooring are all alternatives for a certain floating floor.
Pros and cons of floating floors
Pros –
- Affordable choice for a hardwood flooring
- Easier to install
- Offer almost the same appearance as timber floor
- Engineered hardwood is quite durable and also offer the same look of hardwood at a very affordable cost.
- Suitable for both unit blocks and apartment
- Simple and very easy installation
- Available in many different varieties of styles and colours
- Affordability
- Easy to maintain and repair
Cons –
- Low stability
- Not possible like timber floor sanding or repolishing
- May not suit all kinds of home
- Less durable compared to solid wood
- Can get scratched easily
- Vulnerable to any moisture
- Minor scratch repair is expensive
- Warranties offered for only a shorter time period
- Professional varieties are a little complicated to install
You can prefer to use the same installer whom you may hire for timber flooring installation however installing the floating floor will be much easier than any actual timber or hardwood flooring option.
Author’s Bio
Alex is the author of this post. He was engaged for many years with Busy Fox – Better SEO. Busy Fox has got the reputation to offer end-to-end SEO (search engine optimization) solutions at a very competitive price. You can visit their website to know about their services and selecting the right type of SEO package for your online business.